The Importance of Overcoming Trauma

Many people find comfort in holding on to trauma. And being perpetually stuck in victim mode. Nothing positive will ever come from this. You’ll only find yourself complaining about it and feeling sad for yourself. Grieving is a normal process of any trauma faced, but you shouldn’t get stuck there. It’s part of the cycle,  but not the end. The end comes when you fully release the trauma. 

It’s important to release trauma because it can free you. As I’ve stated before, trauma from abuse is not your fault. Acknowledge that it happened, but don’t dwell on it. Take some time to process the trauma that was done to you. Feel it and allow it to sink in. This is the most difficult part. Whatever you feel in this moment, let it happen. Cry, throw an object, or scream. Anything that feels like a natural response, go with it. 

Once you’ve faced the trauma and validated yourself, it’s time to move on. You’re past that phase and you are not the blame. You’ve learned that lesson and won’t be repeating it. You know how to avoid or handle a negative situation as soon as it presents itself. Now, you’re ready to move on without the past trauma on your back. Your new life with a fresh slate is in front of you now. All you have to do is step forward. 

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